Introductory novellas & novelettes.

For readers looking for their ‘Next best read’, or to find a ‘new’ enjoyable author to follow, here is a great way to get an introductory read.

The following are Novellas or Novelettes, written for that very purpose, as books to acquaint readers with the author’s writing style in various genres.

These books are available as eBooks, and/or Pocketbook Paperbacks, and have been published under the Electric Eclectic book brand.

For those who may not be familiar with the term Pocketbook, they are smaller-sized paperback books, ones which can be slipped into a bag, handbag, or indeed a pocket, hence the name… not really… The term pocketbook originates from the American name for a lady’s handbag, as these books can easily be placed into a handbag.

Once an extremely popular item in the United States in the latter part of the 1930s, pocketbooks fell out of fashion for some reason. However, recently they have ‘been found’ again and are becoming a very trendy accessory to be seen with.

Though smaller in dimension, these books still contain full stories; complete tales with a beginning, middle, and end, not just a chapter or two. The only difference is in their size, which is perfect for those who prefer paperbacks yet often find their size awkward to carry and pack.

Pocketbooks are excellent when commuting, when in a waiting room, say at the doctor or dentist. They are the most convenient books when travelling on holiday, or lazing around the pool, or on the beach.

It’s not important if they get a little wet, sand won’t damage them, and the sunshine won’t stop you from reading. You don’t need to charge them.

You can leave them behind once you’re done, there is no need to transport them all the way home, or you could give them away, sharing them with friends and family.

Airport customs don’t examine them like they do an electronic gadget. Oh, and in desperate times I have used one to prop up the leg of a wobbly table in a café.

All things you cannot, or most probably would not do with an electronic device.

The following image compares a Pocketbook with the size of a regular paperback from Amazon.

Each book below has links to its Amazon page and format. Just follow the link, ‘click’ on it, to find out more, or to make a purchase.

Happy reading, Paul

Three Floors Up. A dark, psychological suspense thriller.

Kindle/ebook ONLY

Deep Waters. A heart-wrenching story of one man’s fight to come to terms with his wife’s death, with a remarkable ending.

Paperback pocketbook


North to Maynard. A tale of an urban spirit in the modern world of mobile technology. A ‘Ghost in the Machine’… with a difference.

Kindle/ebook ONLY

Mechanical Mike. A modern retro pulp fiction tale set in Nazi-occupied France during WW2. A beautiful blond, a mad Scientist, a gumshoe detective, Nazi’s, and Robots. What more could you want?

Paperback pocketbook


Miriam’s Hex. A dark comedy about greed, selfishness, and latent curses, told in a delightfully light-hearted way.

Pocketbook paperback


A New Summer Garden. Intrigue, manipulation, and outright lies abound throughout this story, making it a genuine ‘unputdownable’ crime book.

Paperback pocketbook


The Amulet. Follow Mark as his life changes in this ‘feel-good’ tale of ancient magical powers in the modern world.

Kindle/ebook ONLY

The ORB. A fast-paced, urban action chase, speculative fantasy adventure.

Kindle/ebook ONLY

Dog Decenber by Rick-Stepp-Bolling

I love December. With cool, crisp evenings, frosty lawns in the morning, colored lights outlining trees and houses, and smells coming from street corners stocked with silver tips, Douglas, and scotch pines. It all makes for a dazzling mix of sensory experiences. And of course, there’s the food: sugar cookies with pink frosting, date, and nut bread with thick slices of butter, pumpkin, apple, and blueberry pies still warm from the oven. Turkey with stuffing, yams with brown sugar, artichokes with drawn butter, and Brazil, hazel, and walnuts just ready to be cracked sitting on the table.

I love the neatly wrapped packages tied up with red ribbon, stockings stuffed with tangerines, chocolates, and toys, and that special gift sitting in the attic, so large that only a bow the size of a football will do.

Yes, December is my favorite month which says a lot, for as a dog, almost every month is special. So I had to wonder why, with all the festive trimmings on every dwelling, all the cheery smiles on every face, all the eggnog mustaches on every lip.

Why was Karen crying uncontrollably in an unlit room of our home? Karen, you see, raised me from a pup, so I guess you could say she was my mother. I don’t remember my real birth mother or birth father for that matter. Karen told me she found me outside a church in a small, cotton-filled box with my umbilical cord still wrapped around me. She said she didn’t even know what kind of breed I was except I was the bestest breed in the whole world because I made her happy.

Now you see my problem. I love Karen, but I am not making her happy, I am not doing my job. Maybe I have done something wrong and it is making Karen cry and sob and cry some more. But I can’t remember doing anything wrong.

I haven’t chewed the new couch even though the leather upholstery begs me to give it a little gnaw as I walk by. I haven’t dug up anything in the backyard recently. The roses are intact, the lawn pristine, the pomegranate tree, well most of the pomegranates are still there, and the squirrel hole out by the backyard oak, although a little larger than normal, still has a live squirrel in it.

I haven’t brought her any of my playthings–dead rats, gophers, or birds–and I haven’t rolled in anything aromatic for quite some time. By my reckoning, and I’m still a little hazy about this because sometimes I must bark at people when they come to the door and sometimes I find a little snack left on the countertop, but by and large, I’ve behaved about as well as an eighteen-month-old dog can. So why was Karen sitting in a chair with all the lights out surrounded by nearly a box of used tissues?

I don’t remember many things about my youth, but I do remember a certain occasion when Karen decided that she and I would visit some neighbors around our block. She called it Halloween. That was another favorite month of mine. October. Children dressed up like witches, ghosts, pirates, werewolves, vampires, and one even dressed up like me, a dog. I wasn’t allowed to pee on anyone, even if they were dressed like a fire hydrant, at least that’s what Karen said. She thought that was very funny, so I knew she was happy. Karen put on a frilly dress, fixed her hair in pigtails, put my leash on, and walked up and down our block.

When we came to one of our neighbor’s door, she would say, “Sit, Toto.” That was a little confusing because that’s not my name. Most of the time she calls me Cole. She says I was named after Cole Younger the famous outlaw of the old west, but she never calls me Younger, just Cole. At the doors we visit, she tells our neighbors that she is lost and looking for the Yellow Brick Road so she can find the city of Oz. They laugh and she laughs and I wag my tail because I have made her happy.

I have a sister, that’s what Karen says. She is gray in her muzzle and her eyes are cloudy so she bumps into chairs and tables, especially if they have been moved for cleaning, which I am happy to say does not occur too often. As busy as Karen is with taking care of us, she doesn’t have much time to dust or vacuum. I’m not very fond of the vacuum. I see that it sucks up my old hair and all the good smells I have spent cultivating on certain parts of the floor and rug, and I imagine that if my tail ever got into its teeth, it would put me in that little plastic container.

Anyway, my sister’s name is Tess, named after Tessie James, the famous outlaw of the old west. Whenever Karen says that she laughs out loud, so I know Tess makes Karen happy too. Tess can be grouchy. She doesn’t like me borrowing her favorite toys or sniffing around her food bowl. She sleeps with Karen on the bed, but if I try to climb up, she growls and lets me know that the bed is her territory and Karen is under her protection.

Most of the time though, Tess and I get along just fine. Tess introduced me to the dog next door whose name is Christopher. Tess says he has an overactive thyroid because he jumps up and down, up and down all day long without ever barking. I think Christopher would like to bark, but his owners debarked him, that’s what Karen says and she is sad and a little mad when she says it. I wish I could jump like Christopher, but I’m glad I can bark.

Tess also introduced me to an animal that only comes by after dark. She said that Karen really liked the smell of this animal and that I should try to make friends with it. Well, that was easier said than done. When I barked hello, this animal raised its tail and turned around. Then he sprayed me with some very smelly stuff that made my eyes sting. I found out that Tess was mistaken. Karen was not at all pleased with my new odor.

During the day, Karen often leaves for a long time. Karen says she is paying the devil his dues. I’m not sure I know what that means, but when Karen leaves, Tess and I sleep a lot. At first, I didn’t like to sleep because there were too many new smells, sights, and sounds around the house that I had never experienced, so I would watch Tess as she slept. Tess would run after squirrels and yip her funny yip like when she had a sore throat and couldn’t bark very well. I asked Tess if she ever caught one of those squirrels in her dreams, but she just looked at me like I was too young to understand much.

All over the house, Karen has pictures of Tess when she was young, Tess at the beach, Tess getting a bath, and Tess watching t.v. There are no other pictures except one of me and Tess and a big fat man with a long white beard and dressed in a red suit. I remember when we took that one. I growled at the man because he said people sure have funny ideas about Christmas cards. Karen wasn’t laughing, so I knew he didn’t make her happy.

In the last couple of weeks, Karen and Tess go out together in the car, and when they return, Tess is shaking all over and smells different. She won’t talk with me for the whole day, so I know she’s pretty upset.

It’s getting late. I can tell because most of the Christmas lights have been turned off. Karen didn’t turn ours on tonight, so the house is even darker than usual. The only sounds left in the house are the clock on the wall, which ticks loudly and every hour sounds like a different bird, and Karen sobbing in her chair holding one of Tess’s stuffed toys.

I know that Tess lets Karen share her toys, but this one is making her sad, so I don’t think Tess should keep it any longer. Tonight while Karen and Tess are asleep, I’ll tear it up in the backyard.

It’s time for Karen to go to bed. I know that because when the owl on the clock hoots, she usually picks up Tess and they head upstairs to bed. But the owl hooted some time ago and I haven’t seen Tess anywhere, and Karen is now crying quietly.

I need to make Karen happy, so I go up to her and put my nose in her lap. I leave it there and after a while, her hand begins to rub my ears. I lick her hand so she will know that I love her. After a while, she takes my head in both her hands and kisses me. I think that’s what Karen means when she says that Christmas is a time for loving.

Find Rick’s Books on Amazon.

Books, A Poem by Rick Stepp-Bolling

Pages with the scent

of history

roughly cut

bound by mystery

hard covers

letters ingrained

textured so my fingers

can read

while lips silently

caress the language

of writers

as lovers do.

Feel the fullness

of each page

thick, musty

with a hint of cinnamon.

Uneven type

but I’m lost

in a world of words

never noticing

a careless font

just pictures in my head

and even the words


until the harsh reality

of The End.

Find out about Rick’s books here on Amazon.

Dear mary by karina kantas

We pulled alongside the ship. Its ancient sails still blowing although torn and ragged. The sails were still strong enough to push the ship through the cold and murky sea.

Our crew have been looking for this ship for a very long time. We are a team of investigators that hunt for strange and unexplained happenings on the sea.

There have been so many sighting of ghosts ships but none more than The Mary Celeste, a French clipper that disappeared in the 19th century but had been sighted many times in the distance, but then vanished through a misty haze of fog.

We were the first to have boarded the ghost ship, at least to our knowledge. You could feel the history, the creeks of the wood as we stepped on the bridge and went below to the Galley.

Whispers and ghostly voices followed us. But this wasn’t our first rodeo and anticipation and not fear, drove us on as we travelled through the empty ship.

It wasn’t until we entered the Keel that we first smelt the odour of burnt wood, but then we felt the blazing heat. We ran through to the middle of the ship, pushing the now closed hatches that were stuck solid from age, but we knew differently.

We choked on the smoke as it reached our lungs before the whole ship caught on fire. It was then we heard the ghostly laughter as we all realized that we had not boarded a ghost ship but a Fire Ship. Our screams echoed as the blaze burnt through our clothes and melted our skin. All that was left were ashes that blew away as the ship sailed off into the misty fog.

Karina Kantas © 2021

Karina is a prolific author of 14 fiction novels. She’s also a podcaster, radio host, BookTuber, and a multi-award-winning filmmaker.
You can find all her links and online presence on LinkTree.

Kagan Turns Four, Festive Blog hop

This is for my grandson, Kagan.

Dinosaurs galore

T-Rex romping

Triceratops chomping

Pterodactyl flying

Busha buying

More, more, more . . .

Don’t let Kagan

in the Dollar store!

And then

Dragons descended

Fire breathing

Prey seeking

Fierce and loyal

Ruled the skies

In colors splendid.



Godzilla challenges

All who came before

Godzilla parts

On every floor.



Welcome to four

Can’t wait to see

What’s next in store

Oh no!

Christmas is here

And now


The Jurassic years.

Win a copy of Patchman by collecting all the words, including the one below on each of the blogs in the hop.

Hosted by

Jump right over to the blog of Stephen Simpson to collect the next word in the search.

Connect with Rick on Social Media




One Christmas, An Anglesey Story

From awarding winning Electric Eclectic author Karen J Mossman, comes a heart-warming Christmas tale.

Tina tells the story of what happened one Christmas time.

Who knew life could change so drastically from one heartbeat to the next. One second, you’re full of wonderous joy, the next …

The holidays are a festive time. For Tina and her family, Christmas is the most magical of all. The tastes, smells, laughter – even the complaints are a part of the traditions and vital to the memories. But one Christmas, tragedy struck and changed everything…

Will Tina be able to rediscover the magic, or has her joy been lost forever?

One Christmas has been rewritten and published by Norns Triad Publications with a beautiful new cover. Available as an eBook and paperback.

At 54 pages long it’s a perfect story to sit beside the Christmas tree with and read over a weekend.

A rollercoaster of emotion, Tina’s tale will melt your heart and take you on a journey as she learns to live and love again.

Karen believes in the happy ever after and wants you to close the last page with a warm glow in your heart.

If you preorder, the eBook will land on your kindle on the 5th of December. Alternatively, order a paperback on publication day. It will make a beautiful gift for your friends and family.

This is a taster of what you will find inside.


So, there we were – Elis and I – sitting together. Elis chatted about his job as a pilot trainer at RAF Valley. I enjoyed the stories he told of the new candidates who took to the skies for the first time. As he spoke, we held hands across the table. The way his fingers felt gave me a connection that excluded everyone else as I listened. 

“You’re exquisite when you look at me like that,” he said, interrupting his story. 

I continued to stare into his eyes, losing myself in their depths. “That’s because I’m listening to every word. You don’t know how sexy your voice sounds.” 

Elis grinned, and my heart fluttered. His eyes flicked right.  

I glanced to see what caught his attention.  There was a woman walking through the room, watching us. 


I spun around and gave her a death glare.  

My sister froze, throwing me a sheepish grin.  ‘Going to the toilet,’ she mouthed and pointed in that direction. 

Leaning back in the chair, I let out a loud sigh. “Elis, meet my sister, Dawn.” 

Karen J Mossman based the book on the area she lives. Anglesey is an island off the north Wales coast.

Published by Norns Triad Publications